Money and Family in Law

8:49 p.m.

I have grown with some money rules. Some of these rules have been taught by my parents, and others have been intuitive.

The first rule that my parents taught about money, it is that money is to serve others. First, we must to serve our family, and after we have serve the members of our family, we must to use money to serve others.

The second principle about money is that we must to use money just for necessary things. I grew in a family where we didn’t change frequently used money to acquire new products. If the dry machine had problems, we didn’t buy a new machine, we fix it. If we needed a book that a brother used years before in the same subject, we used the same book. And we planned funny, but cheap vacations.

This kind of money education have been valuable for me because it has helped me to avoid debts. I am a person who is able of have fun without spend a lot of money. I know that after my marriage I will acquire a mortgage, but this will be a necessary, and not excessive debt.

I believe that financial education it is not just about money, but a preparation for life. When you are planning to have a seniority without financial stress, you must be acquiring in your early age a good academic preparation to get a good income in your productivity ages, and save enough money to enjoy your last years.

Another important aspect that we must to develop since early age is the ability to interact with others, and this become important in our family in law relationships.

Before marriage, we (as a couple) must to fix how will be our relationships with our parents, and we must to agree that the most of family issues must be solved within our home between us. I am single, but I know that when a husband, and wife work together under their own revelation, they can receive more satisfaction than when they act under the ideas of others.

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